
Hair Straightening Can Result In Breakages

One of the major reasons for hair breakage is blow drying, flat ironing, curling, and styling hair. Curling irons or flat irons can cook your hair and reason the ends to fray. If you blow dry and straighten your hair frequently, follow these procedures to keep away from causing surplus damage to your locks. Shampooing too often result in hair breakage One of the root causes of hair breakage is the excess usage of shampoos. This problem is multiplied if you put in flat iron heat to straighten your hair. Try switching to specially formulated shampoo, if you are experiencing hair breakage. It helps prevent this problem. For shampooing, Air Swimmers use a conditioner rich in vitamins each time. Before straightening protect your hair It is essential to protect your hair prior to you start straightening, to help prevent excess breakage. To put a stop to excessive heat from harming the follicles and strands, keep the remote controlled flying shark blow dryer several inches away from your hair. There are a number of volumizing heat protectors for smoothing into wet hair prior to blow drying. Whenever possible, use an alcohol-free remote controlled air swimmers protector. To lessen the amount of time you spend with the flat iron, you can do the hair straightening process as you are blow drying. For this, while blow drying, just run a soft-bristled roller brush through your hair. This will help straighten your waves or curls and minimize the amount of flat-ironing you require. Preventing Breakage While Flat Ironing: Before flat ironing, use a heat protecting spray or gel to your hair. This should be done when it is dry and you are about to run the flat iron through a segment of hair. Though some heat protectors only make available a barrier between your hair and the heat, others insert a gloss to the product so your hair looks shiny after it is flat ironed. While flat ironing, limit each part of hair to one or two strokes with the heating implement. Because, running over each portion too much will effect in breakage and split ends. Utilize a quality flat iron The type of flat iron you use should be of high quality.

